Over the years, the Private Equity & VC Compensation Report has grown to be the most comprehensive benchmark for private equity and venture capital compensation practices. This year’s report, with more than 40 detailed charts and graphs, should provide you with all the information you need to better understand the industry pay benchmarks and changes in private equity and VC compensation practices.
The report analyzes data related to compensation earned, levels of equity sharing , work satisfaction and much more. The report also aims to understand how these professionals perceive their work and what they expect from their employers. The findings in this report is based on data collected directly from private equity and venture capital professionals.
The Report addresses core compensation topics, much more than just cash compensation.
Some of the big questions answered in this analysis include:
- What are the compensation average and ranges by title?
- What is the balance between base vs. bonus payouts?
- Which titles earn the most and how has their comp changed?
- Who is sharing in carry and at what levels?
- How does fund size and performance affect pay?
We are confident you will find this report helpful whether you are
negotiating your compensation package or setting benchmarks for your
firm’s compensation policies.